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1 february 2016 19 march 2015 accelerated proceedngs Adam Starr adaptations agm aico alan boswell alarms alliance remedial supplies annual general meeting art launch asb aston scott B&Q bailiff bateman ben chacksfield ben marsh ben sidgwick benefits better home cover btl buy to let capital gains tax catch 22 central heating cep changes in law and practice chris bette chris reynolds co detector colin hunter collectadebt common risks condensation coodes cornish energy cornish inventories cornwall Cornwall Community Flood Forum cornwall council cornwall housing cornwall responsible landlord scheme cosgarne costs council tax crla members crls damp debt decc decent home deposit deposit protection deregulation act dimplex disabled people duty of care dwp eco4 eden electric electrical safety electrical testing emergency home cover end of tenancy energy efficiency energy efficiency improvements energy performance energy performance services epc equity release expenses expiry of possession order falmouth student accommodation landlords forms francis clark Francis Clarke fuelling connections funding funeral gas general meeting glen carne GoSimpleTax grants Green Air South West green loan guy foreman guy foreman electrics Happy Energy harassment health and safety heat networks hhsrs high court hmo hmrc home energy plan homelessness housing housing adaptations housing benefit housing ex-offenders housing health and safety rating system housing renewals illegal eviction immigration immigration checks income tax Incorporation of Residential Portfolios Independent class Inheritance Tax insurance inventories invest james tyas joe roberts john savage John Savage Accountancy landlord landlord duties landlord insurance landlord legal responsibilities landlord responsibilities landlord training landlords legal update legionella legislation letting agent regulation liabilities licensing local housing allowance low energy ratings making tax digital managing rent arrears martyn dymond mediation modern day slavery mould mould doctor mtd napit ndt new legislation new tenancy nmro Nos Da Kernow october 2018 old press gallery open day open evening peach lettings pension pension reform peter norton pkf francis clarke police possession prescribed information prevention private sector housing private water supplies problem tenant property property redress scheme prs public health reference registration deadline renewable energy rent arrears rent officer renters rights bill repairing obligations required documentation retaliatory eviction rhi right to rent right to rent check rights sarah newton mp sdlt section 21 section 8 seminar setting rent smoke alarm stag stamp duty land tax starr financial planning stephens scown steve york students sue reynolds supported housing swla tax tenancy agreement tenant request improvement tenants tenants belongings test certificates timescales tradepoint types of tenancy uc universal credit universal credit migration scheme voa water wheal martyn museum wireless wireless alarms working with landlords worldwide financial planning
Nov 4 @ 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
General Meeting
general meeting green loan home energy plan landlord insurance
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